Personal Investigation in London, the City & West End of matters personal to our client with discretion, professionalism and above all confidentiality
When the trust goes from a relationship there is a vacuum. One or other partner feels in the dark and uninformed - we will obtain evidence of misdemeanour and of a person's activity - that will enable you to make an informed decision about the future
We handle more than matters of infidelity - we trace people, find people's birth parents, examine computers and obtain information about a child or teenagers activity. Whatever the issue, call us and talk to us in confidence
Unseen surveillance of a person that gets to the facts of their activity, who they see and where they go, often contrary to what you have been told
Handled in-house, we will rebuild deleted files of Computers and mobile 'phones - people will often leave their discreet secrets on a hard drive
Finding people - whether someone is out of touch, or the location of a person from their address - is our speciality, with many years experience
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